Fitness Program for People with a Disability

A fitness centre adapted to your needs

Going to the gym may seem insurmountable for people with an intellectual disability, an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or a sensory impairment. This contributes to feelings of isolation and physical and/or physiological problems among these individuals.

To remedy the situation, the YMCA established the Integrated Recreation Program in 2005. This integrated program makes it possible for these individuals to safely practice a fitness activity* with the help of a support person. 

The ultimate goal of the program is to help participants gain enough confidence to continue their fitness training on their own, at the YMCA or elsewhere. 

So far, the program has produced very positive results in the following areas:

  • integration and socialization;
  • development of autonomy;
  • improving physical fitness.  

This program is offered in all our centres.

Would you like to participate in the program, learn more about it or volunteer as a support person?
Please contact Raquel Roth (

Program partners
Nazareth & Louis Braille Institute 
Raymond-Dewar Institute

“I find that helping us get active is also a gesture of love and friendship… It’s very good for your body, heart and soul.” 

Mireille, 59 year old, a blind person and a participant in the program.

* Trouble du spectre de l'autisme

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