Claire Lemieux started coming to the YMCA in the early '70s, as a lifeguard and a camp director. She was also involved with international programs while still a student. Claire was one of the first women to sign up for a health and fitness membership at the Y.
“I have confidence in the organization: Its longevity, its ability to meet people’s needs, the importance it attaches to partnerships...”
Later on, Claire stayed involved as a volunteer at the Downtown YMCA and went on to become a member of the Board of Directors. For years, she worked out at the Y three times a week.
“I heard a lot of stories that moved me. It’s comforting to know that there are organizations like the YMCA.”
Many donors like Claire choose to leave a legacy gift in their will. We can help you plan your donation, so that it will have an impact beyond your lifetime.
To find out more about gifts in your will, through life insurance or of listed securities, please contact Alexandre Lebel, Vice president, Philanthropic Development, in confidence at 514 591-2554 or at alexandre.lebel@ymcaquebec.org.
All inquiries are confidential.