Our publications

Opinion letters, statements, reports

Certificate on the fight against forced labor and child labor 2023 (Bill S-211) "A sense of belonging, an essential element for communities living in harmony" "Encouraging more young Quebecers to get moving" "Because an adult role model is a plus…" "Third places improve our children’s quality of life" "Shining a light on local peace-makers" "School Perseverance: The part we all must play" “YMCA Alternative Suspension – An Exemplary Collaboration” "Let’s Not Lose Sight of the Impact of the Reforms on Social Inequality" «Montréal, une métropole forte, engagée et en santé» (French only) “School Suspensions – From Crisis to Opportunity” «Montréal, physiquement active» (French only)

The YMCAs of Québec Newsletter