Opinion letters, statements, reports
Certificate on the fight against forced labor and child labor 2023 (Bill S-211)
"A sense of belonging, an essential element for communities living in harmony"
"Encouraging more young Quebecers to get moving"
"Because an adult role model is a plus…"
"Third places improve our children’s quality of life"
"Shining a light on local peace-makers"
"School Perseverance: The part we all must play"
“YMCA Alternative Suspension – An Exemplary Collaboration”
May 2015
Opinion letter published by the YMCAs of Québec’s School Success team and picked up by the Montreal Gazette.
"Let’s Not Lose Sight of the Impact of the Reforms on Social Inequality"
March 2015
Opinion letter signed by a group of private foundations and sent to the media, the Prime Minister and several other ministers. It was published in Le Devoir and picked up by other media outlets.
«Montréal, une métropole forte, engagée et en santé» (French only)
September 2014
Report to the City of Montréal sharing our vision for social development and for making Montréal a strong, engaged and healthy metropolis.
“School Suspensions – From Crisis to Opportunity”
February 2013
Opinion Letter published by the YMCAs of Québec’s School Success team and picked up by La Presse.
«Montréal, physiquement active» (French only)
December 2012
Brief presented by the YMCAs of Québec to the City of Montréal’s Commission sur la culture, le patrimoine et les sports as part of a public consultation on how to get Montrealers to adopt a physically active lifestyle.