Jean Saucier has a strong sense of belonging to his neighbourhood Y - he's been giving back to it for several years. Inspired by the involvement of our youth to raise funds for their TeenZone, Jean decided to encourage them by matching the amount they collected.
“Just like in sports, I wanted to motivate the teens, and help them cross the finish line and reach their goal.”
Sensitive to the gaps in opportunities and equal chances that young people from disadvantaged families experience, Jean has long supported his YMCA’s TeenZone. He recently challenged the teens by pledging to make a donation that matched the amount they raised. It was a challenge that our young people happily and successfully met!
Matching a gift is a great way of showing your passion for our cause and encouraging people to give. It’s also an inspiring gesture for our young up-and-coming philanthropists! Thank you, Jean!
“I have teens. I know that the line between success and failure is very thin. Especially in adolescence. A little encouragement, motivation, and coaching can make a difference for the rest of their lives.”
Contact us to find out about other ways to give