"More than an inclusion program, a springboard for life."

"The more time that Clara spends in a place like the Y that celebrates her difference, the more she will learn to accept it."

Clara is a ray of sunshine. A playful, lively little girl. A little girl living with an invisible handicap as parents describe it: dyspraxia combined with ADHD.

Clara and her family endured many challenging summers in various day camps. Every day was a battle. Clara didn’t like any of them - either she didn’t make friends or she wasn’t properly supported. Her parents always ended up withdrawing her.

Everything changed when they found a YMCA day camp. Clara was paired with a dedicated companion who met her different needs and ensured that she participated in the group’s regular activities. It was of great comfort.

Her companion helped Clara to gain self-confidence, push her boundaries and create bonds, in a safe environment.

"It was a relief to see our daughter enjoying her summer. Finally!"

The news reminds us every day that many children and adults suffer from exclusion. By supporting us, you make YMCA programs accessible to as many people as possible. You make a huge difference that directly impacts children as well as the quality of life of entire families like Clara’s.

Learn more about our Inclusion Program:


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